Below is a not-so concise resume about my past experiences, projects and technical skills
My “proper” resume can be found here
- 2019-2021
MSc, Human Machine Communication; (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Grade Average 8.2
- Language Modeling Track
- Standout courses included Advanced Statistical Modeling, Data Science, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Scientific Visualisation
- Three major projects
- 2015-2019
BSc, Artificial Intelligence; (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Grade Average 7.6
- Standout courses included General Linguistics, Neural Networks, Biopsychology, Calculus, Linear Algebra & Multivariate Calculus and Statistics
- Eye-tracking experiment for Bachelor’s Thesis
- 2012-2013
National Certificate in Computing Level 2 & 3; (ARA, Christchurch, New Zealand)
- Focus on using a spectrum of Microsoft Office software, dealing with digital services and some web-programming
- 2010-2014
Highschool Diploma; (Christ’s College, New Zealand)
- NCEA Excellence Level 1, 2 & 3
- One of New Zealand’s most famous and oldest boys-only highschools
- Big involvement in the school culture and leadership roles
Technical Skills
A summary of computer skills and general AI/data science fields I am most interested in
Level | Skill |
Basic | Java, C, Adobe Illustrator, Tableau, HTML/CSS (growing as I work on this site...) |
Intermediate | R, Matlab, Latex, Linux, Sklearn, Keras, SQL, Matplotlib, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office |
Fluent | Python, Pandas |
Particular interest in fields such as:
- Data, data and more DATA
- Natural Language Processing: language models, semantic vector spaces, topic modelling
- Data Visualisation: 2D/3D Graph and Network Visualisations, scientific visualisation
- Data Wrangling, Manipulation, Mining
- Machine Learning: supervised and unsupervised methods
- Statistical modelling: linear and non-linear regression, mixed-effects models, classification, inference
- Neuroscience and neuroimaging
- Scientific writing and research
A list of the major projects I have been a part of. For more detail, as well as more personal and smaller work, check out the Posts page
Master's Projects
- 2020 - 2021
- Master’s Thesis:
Machine Learning Classification of the Coronary Artery Disease and Clustering of Unstructured Free-Form Medical Complaints- Grade: 8.5
- Supervised by: Dr. ir. Peter van Ooijen & Dr. Fokie Cnossen
- Part of the Nationwide Dutch CONCRETE Project
- Investigated the predictive capability of self-reported patient quality-of-life data with regards to the Coronary Artery Disease severity levels. The classification pipeline demonstrated that predictions can be useful and could improve the efficiency of the Dutch healthcare system. Also proposed a BERT-based unsupervised clustering method which can discover groups of similar medical textal complaints, with the method displaying noticeable adavantages over standard topic modeling approaches.

Master’s Internship:
3D visualisations of the flow, spread and interaction of QAnon topics and locations: A Social Network Analysis- Grade: 9
- Student internship at TextGain: a Belgian text-analytics company focusing on AI and NLP application
- Researched and proposed a general pipeline for performing and visualising social network analysis (SNA) on Twitter data with regards to the QAnon movement. Extracted NLP-based attributes from the tweets and used them to cluster groups of inlfluential users. Further captured the discourse flow and general location outreach of the conspiracy movement.

Master’s Research Project:
Topic and Emotion Development among Dutch COVID-19 Twitter Communities in the early Pandemic- Grade: 9
- Supervised by: Dr. Jennifer Spenader & Tommaso Caselli (PhD)
- Paper published in the COLING PEOPLES 2020 Workshop
- Carried out an extensive analysis of over 2.4 million Dutch tweets related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Investigated the public’s response to the event using short-text topic modeling, emotional lexicon look-up analysis and general exploratory data methods. One of my first bigger and independent projects so I considered the symposium acceptance as a great personal achievement!

Bachelor's Projects
- 2018-2019
- Bachelor’s Thesis:
Resolving the Pronoun Problem: Investigating the Inlfuence of Linguistic and Visual Contexts on Object Pronoun Processing- Grade: 8.5
- Supervised by: Dr. Jelmer Borst & Dr. Jacolien van Rij-Tange
- Eye-tracking study investigating how a visual scene affects pupil size in resolving different pronoun types.
My experiences in different aspects of life so far. I strongly believe in diving into as many different things as possible, as each new challenge and step out of a comfort zone can be so rewarding and vocational
- 2020
- Managing Teaching Assistant: General Linguistics
- University of Groningen
- A “higher-up” student teaching job which had me working much closer with the professor (Dr. Jennifer Spenader) of the course. Worked together on creating homeworks, exams and managing the other TAs and students. A particular challenge of this job was having to quickly adjust midway into the course to online teaching due to the sudden pandemic.
- 2017-2019
- Teaching Assistant
- University of Groningen
- Courses: General Linguistics, Basic Scientific Skills, Introduction to AI, Cognitive Psychology
- Assisting professors across different subjects with grading of assignments, giving tutorials to students throughout the semesters and general course structure responsibilities. I particularly enjoyed these employments as it not only gave a feeling of fulfillment, but also solidified my own knowledge in the fields and increased my own confidence as a person, public speaker and leader.
Student Mentor
- University of Groningen
- Played a key role in accomodating students with their integration into the univesity system and life. Being a first point of contact for my mentor group, carrying out meetings and organizing social activities. Being a mentor was a highlight in my university career, like the TA roles it was rewarding but also helped me make some life-long friends!
- 2015
- Laboratory Assistant
- Canterbury Health Labs
- My first job out of highschool. Spend some time working in the labs as an intern and used the money to save up for my university move to the Netherlands. Got to see the inner workings of the healthcare system. Worked across the different departments and performed different laboratory tests with real patient samples! An early motivator to attempt and stay within the medical field.
- 2018
- New Zealand Dragonfly Field Guide Illustrator
- In collaboration with the Auckland University Press
- Another project I had worked on with my father, this time just focusing on the pencil illustrations for the field guide. The book was very successful and ended up winning one of the 2020 Whitley Awards for Best Illustrated Field Guide!

- 2013-2014
Head of House, School Prefect and Deputy Head of the Humanitarian Committee
- Christ’s College, New Zealand
- Three different leadership roles within my highschool. New Zealand schools, and this one in particular, place a lot of importance on the house systems. Being elected as a head of house placed the responsibility of organising house events, ensuring the wellbeing of students within the house and being a representative in the school community. The school prefect role was similar, albeit on a more general scale, and the involvement in the humanitarian committee was mostly focused on organising events and activities to raise money for a chosen charity.
Fiji Dragonfly Field Guide Illustrator
- In collaboration with The University of the South Pacific Institute of Applied Sciences
- This was the first big project I was involved in with my father. He had initiated yet another one of his ideas with work on dragonflies and kindly invited me to paint numerous illustrations for the field guide. My illustrations have come a long way since then, but it paved the way for promising future collaborations!