The Clarks

Dead-Eye Donny approached me sometime in 2020 with a commission of his parents as a gift. It seemed like I was starting to find a niche of painting people's parents. While the painting contained everything I liked and was used to drawing, it did take me sometime to motivate myself to finish this work. My last year in Gron was taxing in a lot of ways, and sadly this at times reflected into my work.
Nevertheless, a year or so later this came out of the factory. I hope he's happy with it and his parents even more so. Donny started off as being one of my students, quickly moving up the ranks in friendship status and ending up being a supporting beam for the last stretches of uni. What I wouldn't give to have one last 4pm skate sesh at the carpark, watching him break a sweat over those heelflips. Keep pushing forward mate and I will see you for another adventure soon!