Hi again!

I'm Boris, a Bulgarian boy who spent his teenage years in New Zealand and completed his university studies in the Netherlands.
I'm currently back in Christchuch, looking for my next adventure. While unsure of where or what that may be, I do know that I'm very passionate and curious about AI and data science related research.
Interests & Hobbies

A big passion of mine is music, and in particular classical hip-hop culture with the countless albums that accompany it. From DOOM to Wu, Lord Finesse to Big L, the list is long and would need a site of its own.
Living in the Netherlands has also opened my eyes (ears?) to electronical music, and in particular the dub/minimal/house genre. It's great for studying and also meeting some awesome people.

When I'm not staring at the computer I like to work on something creative. The fine and visual arts have been with me from an early age, with my parents always being my biggest fans and supporters.
Over the years I have built a small reputation.
My oil paintings follow a realistic, vibrant style, but I've often been told there is a hint of "cartoonism" in them.
Sports, skating, yoga
environment and the boyyss
learning new stuff